About You and Me

sadness trappedWalking in womanhood can hurt. 

You’re sick of falling for the devil’s pity-party over and over.

You’re tired of walking around with a crippled soul.

And you know there’s a way out.

There just has to be . . .

But where is it?

You can learn to use your pain—to turn your pain into a new life.

It is possible to conquer the pain of being WOMAN with One Great Truth that can be poured out to cover all aspects of our lives, from the joys to the heartaches.

You can escape the downward whirlpool permanently!

Stop wondering how some women seem to be able to face huge trials: You can learn how!

Are you misused and hurting? Do you need strength and knowledge (flavored with soft humor) to help you conquer the pain of life, in the name of Jesus?

My mission is to help you conquer and gain a life you can love.

It can’t be that simple, right?

Contented womanLife, as WOMAN, does NOT have to keep throwing you down.

Roughly 8 billion people are programmed to thrive, to overcome, and most of them don’t do so, whether rich, poor, happy, or sad.

That’s because it’s not about circumstance, but about knowing the Truth that can empower you to rise above the constant attacks and to mend the bruises in your soul.

And it’s not hard, just impossible—without taking the first step, that is!

Sound good?

For decades, I’ve been showing women how to overcome, how to stand up like MORE than a conqueror, and take ownership over the life they’ve been handed.

The goal at The Conquering Mom is: helping women learn how to face life. If you’ve been crying out to change your relationships for the better, The Conquering Mom is where you’ll find real truth you can use to begin making real progress.

New-PortraitI started writing in 1996, because I could not find a workshop that showed understanding, a book that contained unvarnished truth, or a conference course that spoke to women, as human beings. My writings became a book I wanted to publish. (It’s almost done!)

So, I began The Conquering Mom in 2010, because I was sure I could help you better than you’ve been helped at any high-priced counselor and I found no really helpful books out there, so I’ve had to write my own stuff.

For you.

I say “NO!” to pointless, Godless, tricks!

You can’t fool your own soul! Nope!

I teach truth, from deep in the storage building in the back of my life—truth you can’t wait to put into the treasure room in the center of your life, because your own soul will be telling you, “YES! YES! YES!”

Every life is full of stories and mine is no exception. I come from a happy, low-stress childhood, a daughter of the poor working-class. My mom took in children to help make ends meet, and when one little girl nearly harmed herself, and I, at age ten, made decisions that saved her, my mom praised me.

Praising children is so important!

Now here I am, drawing my energy from helping people. Every time I help you succeed, I feel my mother’s praise, again.

Not only that, I’ve learned the one True preventive measure.

So, along the way, I’ve taught the Truth to any woman who will listen—and I want you to be bold enough to become one of them.

One time when I was making a presentation (Yes, I also speak!) one lady stood up in the middle of it and shouted, “Thank you!”

At another event, a lady was so dissolved in tears, she needed help walking to the hallway. I was worried, until her friend assured me: “It’s just that this is what she’s been needing….”

This stuff is life-changing.

I’ve lived in 20 different places in my life; I’ve known a LOT of people, a lot of their troubles, a lot of their excuses, and some of their salvations—the ones who were not afraid to try the Truth on for size . . .

I’ve helped women all along the way.

And I want you to be next.

And I think you will be surprised.


I hope it.

Life can be good. You can learn this. Start HERE.


Katharine is a retired home educator, a Christian women’s adviser, a writer of over 60 magazine articles on women’s issues, a workshop presenter and speaker, and a professional mom. She loves to mow her own grass, take treats to her golden hennies, and landscape around the house with pretty herbal plants and bushes.