
Poison-Apple Pie

Poison Choices WrongOh, the excitement of disobedience!

The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'” Genesis 3:2-3

What was Eve thinking!

Did it go something like this:

Listen, Eve—is your God so mean he won’t even let you EAT! For pity’s sake! You mean to tell me you can’t eat any of this lovely fruit?

Well, no, not exactly. You see, He is mean, but not that mean. He’ll let us eat most of it, in fact, but from this one tree, He won’t let us eat, and you know what? He’s so mean! We’d better not even TOUCH it or we’ll DIE!

God did NOT say that, about not touching the fruit. He only said not to eat it.

She was making that up, about not touching it.

Why is it that sometimes we cannot leave the facts alone? Why must we embellish?

It seems almost unbelievable the way a story can change with the telling, doesn’t it.

Poison Apple PieBut, look at what Eve did when she twisted these facts—what we can learn, about when we copy her:

She gave a thrill to sin.

She made it exciting to disobey.

When the command was simply not to eat, there was no need to consider the fruit. Fruit abounded everywhere.

Once she polluted the Word and convinced herself God had said not to touch it, the fruit seemed magnetic. Touching became a consideration. A siren call.

The link between fabrication and fingertips became almost electric.

She reached. She paused. She touched.

Nothing happened.

She grasped and pulled it off the branch. Still nothing.

So, according to her self-delusion, God was mean, after all. Nothing was going to happen after all. It surely was beautiful. It smelled heavenly as it gave to the imprint of her hand, as she drew it toward her face. It almost glowed. It was not bad. It was good.

Nothing was happening. She was touching and nothing was happening.

She was touching and nothing was happening.



It had all been a mix-up. a misunderstanding, somehow. Not a command. Nothing wrong. Surely nothing deadly. What did Adam know, anyway?


So she ate. It was incredibly delicious. And nothing was happening . . .

And she gave it to Adam . . .


7 thoughts on “Poison-Apple Pie

  1. Karen says:

    It is amazing how we as women can get things all mixed up and confused. We are rightly named the weaker vessel. We are more easily deceived than our wonderful husbands. I am so very thankful for a husband who helps me to see the “light” when I stop listening to the enemy telling me lies. God gave us a beautiful weekend of talking and sharing our hearts and straightening out mixed up and confused things in my mind. I am so thankful to GOD for that. Thank you for your prayers too, Katharine and your blog post that keep causing me to THINK, THINK, THINK and CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE. I am so thankful the God’s mercy and grace in my life when it is like a yo-yo. When I am down, HE always seems to ‘yank’ me back up. 🙂


    • C.M.Hardin says:

      They were in on it together, from the start, I say. That aside, I saw a great sign the other day: “Eve doomed the entire human race for one apple. What would she do for a Klondike bar?”

      • katharinetrauger says:

        Hello, CM, and welcome to Home’s Cool! So GLAD you are back!
        That is a cute joke, alright, and it does make a point.
        And although they did end up “in on it together” in the end, Eve went in deceived, but Adam knew exactly what he was doing and joined her by choice. More on that soon! 😉

  2. Ruth Bailey says:

    Yes, Eve was deceived… I’ve always wondered what Adam was doing/thinking when Eve was reaching for the fruit. He was with her, as she then gave some to him.

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