Seven Reasons Your Christian Husband Cannot Do Better – Part 2

 Reason #2 – He Has Been Cursed

I’m sticking my neck out, here. Stay with me.

The truth is that our husbands face many draining words in the course of a normal day;

  • Those nagging words you speak: “Why can’t you remember a thing I say?!”
  • You better be good!

    You better be good!

    Those foretelling words his mother always spoke: “Darling, you know Mother wants you to avoid all the mistakes your father made!”

  • Those fiery words from the boss: “Herman, you just HAVE to shape up!”

All these words can work as curses with bad effects. They cause him to dwell on and believe in his faults, real or imagined, and to take his eyes off the Author and Finisher of his faith. These words tell him he is not good enough and perhaps never will be. He can easily sink into depression or despair instead of standing against the enemy.

 Solution #2: Pray to break word curses spoken over your husband. Try this for a daily morning prayer:

“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break every curse and negative word spoken over my husband, (name). I declare every curse and negative word spoken over my husband to be broken and null and void in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, I ask you to put a hedge of protection around my husband’s soul and to guard and protect him from the evil one’s attacks.”

Then stop cursing him. Bless him. We are called to be a blessing, so…be one!

If you had a female roommate, would she stay with you if you talked to her the way you talk to and about your husband? Just because someone is bound to stay with you, by an oath before God, as your husband is, is no reason to take advantage of it and be mean. Tell him how much you appreciate something about him.

Tell him you love him, yes, but make it obvious, too.

Do not stop at speaking blessings, be a blessing.

Fix his favorite food, sometimes, just for him, even if it is barely this side of edible. One fried chicken dinner with gravy will go far in saying, “You matter to me,” even if you hope your kids grow up vegetarian. Create a space or two inside his “castle” where things are done his way, where he can feel like he’s at least part owner.

This also goes for when he is not present. Your friends are not being true if they are tempting you into the “roast hubby” game. Read the Song of Solomon to see how the bride described her groom . . . all the girlfriends wanted to check him out by the time she finished!


Your husband isn’t that perfect?

Her husband worshiped idols and she likely had no choice in whom she married. How would you like that?

Yet her attitude was godly as ours should be, too.

Maybe you grew up in a matriarchal home.

Maybe you never even considered that your attitude and words could be adding to your problems.

Ask God’s forgiveness. Ask your husband’s forgiveness.

Then walk purely, as a blessing.

Or you cannot expect him to.

All you can expect, then, is bad attitudes in your children, and in your children’s children . . .


A man is supposed to be a container for the essence of God.

He is supposed to be beautiful in his calling to contain the Almighty.

There is nothing sadder than an emotionally broken, bruised, wounded, torn, scarred, weak, limping man. It should break your heart and make you cry every time you hear of one.

It breaks Jesus’ heart.

Your husband’s childhood already did enough to hurt your man. It’s time to give him a break. For God’s sake, love him. Give him space to heal.

And take it easy on your sons.

Now, to go to part 3, click here!

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